Balcani Cooperazione Osservatorio Caucaso
mercoledė 07 settembre 2022 15:58


VIVISECTfest: My Enemies - Nationalism and Xenophobia


Second edition of the Festival on Human Rights

Dedicated to the topic "My Enemies: Nationalism and Xenophobia" is intended to point out dangerous occurences of the language of hatred, nationalism, and xenophobia, which are present in public in higher extent, and which has been continuingly increasing since 2000.

By pointing out adverse effects of the language of hatred, nationalism, and xenophobia, we want to create the climate for better understanding between majority and minority communities living in Vojvodina/Serbia and the region of the Western Balkans.

Festival programme including documentaries, photographs, and applied poster exhibition is intended to contribute to increase trust at individual and intranational level to stimulate interethnic dialogue between the members of majority and minority ethnic communities living in Vojvodina/Serbia.

At the same time, through the programme of travelling festivals to be also organised in the countries of the Western Balkans and European Union, we want to give contribution to the processesof education for peace, peaceful resolution of crises and conflicts.

The objective of the Festival on Human Rights - VIVISECTfest is to stimulate individual participation of citizens:
- In the processing of dealing with recent past to overcome the effects of wars in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.
- In mitigating the tensions resulting in the occurences of the speech of hatred, nationalism, and xenophobia at local and regional level.
- In the creation of stable and open society observing human rights and the rule of law.


V I V I S E C T fest
Šafarikova 7 - Novi Sad (Serbia)
Tel / fax: +381 21 6572093
Email: gajickim@eunet.yu