Balcani Cooperazione Osservatorio Caucaso
mercoledì 07 settembre 2022 15:58


Theatre in community - the tool for social changes


9th International Conference organized in partnership and support of IDEA

This conference is intended for all those who believe that the theatre art has a power which influences the consciousness of people, their behaviour and their change; it is intended for all those who believe that by changing the individual we change also the world in which we live; it is intended for all those who want to change the world in which we live together with the others.

The conference is especially aimed at those who believe that there are no such impassable boundaries which could not be overcome by the force of the human mind taken by an idea
and who believe that with the united energy it is possible to create the new world and the new future...

We shall explore the potentials of drama and its power in dialogues of different cultures, we shall check the way of the dialogue and what happens when there is no dialogue, we shall try to discover
what is the power of drama in establishing the dialogue, in changing ourselves and our habits, and what is its power when confronted with the problems within ourselves or the problems we face in the society and in our global world.

We shall work upon and develop dialogue through the workshops and presentations of different working methods.

Conference practical workshops will introduce different theatrical methodologies by making the dialog as well as checking the chances and problems what they can make.

We shall also present three theatre productions.

During the Conference there will be awarding night of "Grozdanin kikot" Award for the Contribution to the development of drama education.

Trg Republike 1 (Banja) - Mostar (BiH)
Tel./fax: 00387 36 552893