Balcani Cooperazione Osservatorio Caucaso
mercoledì 07 settembre 2022 15:58


Reviewing OECD experience in the social enterprise sector


Policy insights for Central, East and South East Europe

The seminar is held back to back to the 3rd Donor Roundtable on Civil Society Development in
New EU Member States, Western Balkans, the CIS and Turkey, co-ordinated by the World Bank
and the EC EuropeAid Cooperation office.

It seeks to review OECD experience on the emergence of social enterprises to assess their role in combating social exclusion and identify key financing tools for the sector’s development.

The final workshop will be devoted to producing a set of recommendations addressing the role of different stakeholders (governments, donors and the non-profit sector) in developing the sector further.

The seminar will address the following questions:

• What is the policy rationale for support to social enterprise development at both national
and local/regional level? What market and government failures do social enterprises
address and how can policy recognise their role? How can social enterprises contribute to
economic growth, social cohesion and poverty reduction? Is there a risk of social
enterprises displacing private sector initiatives?

• What is the contribution of social enterprises to community driven development? How do
social enterprises foster empowerment among users? What is the link between social
capital and social enterprises?

• What financial tools do social enterprises require? What policy tools can address the
needs of the sector at sub-national level?

OECD LEED Trento Centre
Vicolo San Marco 1 - Trento
Telefono: 0461 277600
Fax: 0461 277650