Balcani Cooperazione Osservatorio Caucaso
giovedì 08 settembre 2022 14:23


Tirana International Activism Festival


Three days of activities, meetings, parties, photography exhibitions from the most important events of the European civil resistance. Film and documentary projections and discussions with the most prominent names of civic activism from many countries
The participants of this festival are already very well-known for the world. Together with MJAFT, the movement which is organizing the activity and which on that day will be the representative of Albanian youth activism, there will also be present young people from OTPOR in Serbia, whom we all remember in the campaign to bring Milloshevich down from power. There will be representatives from the PORA Campaign from Ukraine who were the nucleus of the “orange revolution” in Kiev which brought about the first democratic elections in the country. Among the participants there will be friends from KMARA from Georgia, well known for their powerful movement against president Shevardnadze, and also the leaders of ZUBR in Belarus that are currently very active to secure democracy in their country. There will be many representatives from other activist movements and organizations from Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Greece, Italy, Azerbaijan, Kosovo, Macedonia and even from Uzbekistan, Russia and Lebanon. These student movements and young activists will have the support of a number of other guests from the world of international politics, art and culture. Prominent writers, politicians that have led masses of people in the major movements for change in Eastern Europe during the fall of the totalitarian regimes, famous journalists, etc, will be present at the Festival to share their experiences with the younger activists and to contribute in the great battle to turn activism into one of the stronger weapons with which citizens can exercise their will.

These representatives of groups of young people from Europe will present their work to the MJAFT volunteers and other youth from Albania. They will show movies and television chronicles during the period when they were at the center of anti-totalitarian movements in their countries. A photography exhibition with the most important moments of their activities will be open to public and finally we will all celebrate with two big parties during the last days of the festival. In other words, it will be a real FESTIVAL.

MJAFT Movement
Rruga e Elbasanit 77 - Tirana, Albania
Telefono/Fax: 00355 (0)4 223661